Bob Alexander Weekly Schedule to Drive Around Michigan to meet with petitioners and supporters who want to sign the Gore Nomination Petition...
Each of the remaining three weeks Bob Alexander will Drive Around Michigan to meet with petitioners and those who just want to sign a Nomination Petition to place Al Gore on the Jan. 15 Presidential Primary ballot. Alexander is the Manager of the Michigan Nominate Al Gore Petition drive.
Detailed locations & times are at the bottom of the page, grouped geographically.
Sunday is the North Drive Around to Mt. Pleasant, Grayling, Traverse City, Cadillac, Big Rapids and Grand Rapids.
Monday is an evening South Drive to Jackson, Battle Creek and Kalamazoo.
Tuesday during the day is the SE and East Drive to Livonia, Dearborn, Detroit (WSU), Royal Oak, Clarkston, Flint and Perry.
Wednesday during the day is the West Michigan Drive thru South Grand Rapids, Holland, Muskegon, and North Grand Rapids due to importance of West Michigan.
Friday afternoon and evening is the same SE and East Michigan Drive.
On Saturday morning petitioners staff a Draft Gore table at the Ann Arbor Farmer’s Market at 5th Ave. and Catherine Street.
If you are a registered MI voter & you signed the informal online petition or the paper Run, Al, Run petition over the past year, you need to seek out & sign this new legal length, formal Nominating Petition. The informal petition does not put Gore on the Jan 15 Primary ballot.